Friday, November 14, 2008


My rhetorical analyses were easily related to Project 2, which was about the social roles of wolves in relation to the animalistic social roles of people. My modes included novels like White Fang and children movies like the Jungle Book. I think that the photo I used was not a well known visual but it worked because it was a photo of wolves surviving together in the wild naturally. I think photos like that help to open the mind of individuals who are scared to learn about something outside of their personal realm. My song could have been better, although I could not think of anything. When trying to find the appeals in it I realized that it was interesting because it combined emotion with animalistic behaviors and predation. I thought it was an interesting way to combine people and wolves molding the behaviors together.

My interview from Lauren Highfill was very helpful. She had a lot of ideas about animal behaviors especially social interactions. She included several species of animals and applied it to many instances of human behaviors like soldiers in war or kids in highschool cliques. She took a lot of time to think about the questions I had asked and gave very detailed answers with examples.
For project three, I am hoping to volunteer my time at the humane society working with animals who might be on the verge between wilderness and domestication. I think it will be nice to help with them, because I think it is an area of society that needs some special attention and in general our society should be more focused on caring for and protecting animals and the environment.
I don't know yet who I will interview but hopefully I can find someone with personal stories about wild animals and pack behavior whether it be wolves, dogs, dolphins or anything else. Another possibility is that of human behaviors. One individual could be the alpha individual in a group or it could be someone who feels inadequate to a larger group. I need to spend more time trying to find a good interview to add some more knowledge.

I think that I have learned a lot about wolves and pack behaviors. I am interested to continue my search although I am not sure I will learn much more. I included a lot of research in my final paper, not including several other sources that I read through prior to the paper because there was no connection the the topic. I have to make contact with the humane society and begin to volunteer and hopefully make some difference. I need to conduct an interview and then find an effective way to present and relay this information to others, hopefully convincing them of the importance of this topic!

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