Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cool Credit

During my first extra credit assignment I went onto and donated 1000 grains of rice. This was cool, I'd never heard of it and I did learn a lot of new words, some that I couldn't figure out the first time around. New words for old words I'd never heard of and new words for something common like donkey. Who knew!

My second extra credit assignment was at where I wrote a 6 word memoir. This forced me to think of something quick and simple to describe myself and I came up with: Swimming fast to travel the world. I like it a lot.

My third extra credit assignment was to listen to a story on npr and I chose to hear about "Legs Propelled Whale Ancestors". It was interesting to listen to a paleontologist who described a whale with two hind legs with feet like structures who swam more like humans than current whales. Its about 40 million years old. I thought this was cool because I'm very interested in marine life and the new idea that we may have evolved more from dolphins/whales who have tailbones, which most don't know.

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